A done for you, complete month-by-month printable cookbook & recipe guide for busy mamas on how to feed your baby real food, simply.
You know that food is important. And that it should be simple.
So why does it feel so overwhelming to figure out how to feed the little ones in your life?
Especially in a way that expands their tastebuds, develops their gut and immune system in a solid way and helps them LOVE and ADORE real (healthy) food?
Because picky toddlers and separate meals as they get older? Who has time for that?!
So make the most of your baby's *magical 18 month window*, when babies tastebuds are open, flexible and love trying new things.
Save yourself years of hassle and stress at the dinner table, by what you do & feed your littles NOW.
It all makes such a huge difference!
And the Baby Food Files are here to help.
With over 39 nutrient-packed, creative and simple recipes (all sorted by specific month and age, depending on the nutrient and developmental needs of your baby), this guide is all you will need for the little years.
01. 39 different quick and easy recipe ideas for healthy babies
02. Advice on a easy, intuitive order of food introduction
03. How to approach purees vs baby-led weaning
04. Guides & timelines on introducing high allergy foods (and how to find what will work best for you, your family, your lifestyle, etc)
05. Recipes that can work now for your little one all the way though the little kid years (and for adults too!)
06. Ideas on how to create a philosophy of ease, joy and loving real food for everyone at your table